Grant Funding Policies
Grant Types:
Funding Decisions:
Follow Up:
Last updated: July, 2023
- Grants will be made for projects or goods directly impacting students.
- Grants may also be made for “guest artists," which are defined as periodic, at-will, limited support for teachers across a variety of activities. Their contributions are short term in nature for a defined time period, and are delivered in limited blocks during the day, or for fixed, weeks-long periods of time on a project-specific basis. Click here to read the THUSD policies around guest artists.
- Grants will not be made for year-to-year classroom staffing needs.
- Grants may also be made for staff development programs which have an immediate application in the classroom.
- Grants will generally not be made to reimburse funds already spent by staff.
- Grant requests must be submitted in writing by staff. This includes projects or programs that are student-driven.
- Applicants must include all expenditures to be funded (including tax, shipping, installation, proposed maintenance, etc.) in the grant proposal budget.
- Funds requested for purchase of technology equipment must meet District Computer Purchasing Standards.
Funding Decisions:
- The Board will determine the total amount of funds to be allocated in each funding cycle, and may set a minimum and/or maximum dollar limit for grants in any funding cycle.
- The Allocations Committee reserves the right to recommend partial or no funding of any proposal.
- The Allocations Committee will consider whether we are the most appropriate funding source for each proposal, and may decline to fund proposals if other sources seem more appropriate.
- Funds granted in the Fall allocations cycle must be spent by the end of the current school year.
- Funds granted in the Spring allocations cycle must be spent by the end of the following school year.
- Any unspent funds will revert back to us, unless prior arrangements for a deadline waiver is made.
Follow Up:
- Grant recipients may be asked to furnish a brief, formal evaluation on the use of their grant funds to the Board.
- Grant recipients may be asked to publicly acknowledge how the grant has enhanced their classroom or department. This may include the use of quotes and/or multi-media for use in our promotional materials.
- All materials purchased with grant funds are gifts of the school, and remain the property of the school, not any individual grant recipient.
Last updated: July, 2023